Source, Raw & Drinking Water

Data for Water Resource Protection

Water quality instruments are used for profiling and collecting baseline data to drive a better understanding of source water characteristics. Monitoring long-term trends and changes in water quality is the first step towards a deeper understanding of your source water resources.

In addition, continuous online monitoring solutions can provide early warnings to flag filter media changes, coagulant dosing, and process adjustments for incoming algae and turbidity events. By moving toward data-driven decisions, YSI instrumentation can improve efficiency and reduce operational costs.

Beyond event monitoring, establishing baseline water quality standards has become increasingly important for protecting source water as it is affected by urbanization and agricultural changes. Continuous online monitoring is the key to understanding your source water, and it can lead to smart water management and informed decision making.

We invite you to download, for free, our Source Water Monitoring Brochure.
Check out our capabilities by filling out the form below. When you partner with YSI on your Source Water needs you partner with industry-best professionals.

Source Water Monitoring for Harmful Algal Blooms

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Mission Water Banner Reef CTA

Gain Peace of Mind


  • Protect yourself from regulatory fines from permit violations by gaining a better understanding of the water quality in your reservoir and giving you an opportunity to be proactive rather than reactive to events.
  • Get ahead of harmful algal blooms or turbidity events with real-time monitoring and alerts straight to your team.
  • YSI offers monitoring solutions for every budget and experience level.  Contact us to speak with one of our application engineers to design a system that's as unique as the waters you protect.

Maximize Effectiveness


Aeration measurements are expensive. Make sure your capital infrastructure purchase is making a difference in a reservoir’s water quality, and understand what the necessary uptime is to achieve maximum results.

Improve Operational Efficiency


  • Increase the efficiency of your plant by discerning the natural ebb and flow of water into your reservoir, and the impact weather events have on your reservoir. Turn that one number on a whiteboard into a steady stream of continuous data to enhance your planning.
  • Reduce cost by understanding the optimal time/intake to bring water into the plant to reduce the need for additional treatment, recycling, or filter maintenance.

Learn more about Source Water Solutions

Laboratory Resources for Water Quality Testing


Our expertise goes beyond field testing, and we’re fully prepared to help with your water quality monitoring – even in the lab! Check out our comprehensive list of methods and application notes for regulatory compliance testing.

Drinking Water Solutions for Laboratories


Source Raw and Drinking Water Featured Products

6950 Fixed Vertical Profiler

A Fixed Vertical Profiler designed to Acquire High Resolution Vertical Water Column Measurements for Inland Water and Coastal Applications

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EMM350 Pisces

A Pontoon Platform for In-Situ Characterization of Environmental Systems

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EMM68 Buoy

Robust Monitoring System in a Small Compact Design

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EMM25 Buoy

Low Cost, Rapid Deployment, Short Term Use Buoy

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EXO2 Multiparameter Sonde

Multiparameter Water Quality Sonde for Unattended Monitoring (7 sensor ports, including a central wiper port)

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